Kids News - Articles for Grades 2-3

Happy Summer from DOGOnews! Our team is taking a short break. We'll be back soon with more exciting news!

Commonly Found North American Wildflower Turns Out To Be A Carnivore

The western false asphodel — an herb-like plant found in abundance along North America's West Coast — has been known to science since 1879. But it is only recently that researchers from the University of British Columbia discovered the innocent-looking plant's penchant for insects. The finding is particularly exciting given that this is the first new predatory plant to be discovered in 20 years....

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Commonly Found North American Wildflower Turns Out To Be A Carnivore

Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month

National Hispanic Heritage Month is observed annually in the US from September 15th to October 15th. The event honors the histories, cultures, and contributions of American Latinx and Hispanic communities. This includes all residents from — or descendants of someone from — Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. The commemoration began in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week. It was expanded to a month by President Ronald Reagan in 1988....

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Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month

Rare Embryo Found Inside Prehistoric Turtle Egg

The Henan Province in central China is a treasure trove of dinosaur eggs. However, the odd-looking black orb with a blue tint, presented to Fenglu Han and Haishui Jiang by a farmer in 2018, was unlike any dinosaur egg the experts had encountered before. The paleontologists from the China University of Geosciences initially thought the egg might belong to a new species of the prehistoric giants....

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Rare Embryo Found Inside Prehistoric Turtle Egg

These Amazing Paralympians See No Challenges, Just Opportunities

The pandemic-delayed Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games, which took place from Aug. 24 to Sept. 5, 2021, attracted a record number of competitors. A total of 4,403 athletes — 2,550 male and 1,853 female — competed across 22 sports and 23 disciplines. Here are a handful of the incredible men and women whose determination and grit shattered stereotypes and exhibited the amazing opportunities that can come from following your dreams....

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These Amazing Paralympians See No Challenges, Just Opportunities